ISO 2555:1989 pdf download

ISO 2555:1989 pdf download.Plastics — Resins in the liquid state or as emulsions or dispersions Determination of apparent viscosity by the Brookfield Test method.
ISO 2555 specifies a method of determining an appdrent viscosity, by the Brookfield Test method, of resins in a liquid or similar state, using one of the types of rotational viscometer described in this Standard.
The application of this method to specific products is detailed in annex A.
The viscometers, types A, B and C, permit viscosity measurements from 0,02 Pa•s (20 cP) to 60 000 Pass (60 x 106 cP).
2 Principle
A spindle, of cylindrical or r&ated focm (disc), is driven at a constant rotational frequency in the product being studied.
The resistance exerted by the fluid on the spindle, which depends on the viscosity of the product, causes a torque which is Indicated by a suitable meter. This measurement may be based on tightening of a spiral spring depending on the torque, indicated by the movement of a needle on a dial.
It is recommended that the adjustment and calibration be checked from time to time by means of Newtonian liquids of known viscosity, either by the user’s laboratories or by official standardizing laboratories.
3.2 Thermostatic liquid bath, to maintain the product
being tested at the test temperature with an accuracy of
± 0,2 °C.
Recommended test temperatures, In degrees Celsius, are: 23, 25, 40, 55, 70, 85 and 100.
NOTE — if the test has to be carried at higher temperatures, it Is odvisobe to uso on extension shaft botwoon the spindle and the apparatus.
Mount tho viscomctor, with its guard stirrup, when applicable (see sub-clause B.3.3 in annex B) on its support. Fill the beaker (3.3.2) with the product to be tested, taking care not to introduce air bubbles, then place it in the bath (3.2) for a suff ident time to reach the desired temperature. If the product contains volatile iiwtter or is hygroscopic, take care to close the beaker tightly during this operation.
With the beaker still in the bath, hold the spindle at an angle of approximately 450 to the surface of the product and immerse it In the product. Orientate the spindle vertically, and connect it to the shaft of the apparatus.
Check that the spindle is vertical, using the bubble level, that the lower end of the spindle is more than 10 mm from the bottom of the beaker and that the spindle is immersed to the underside of the mark on its shaft. Immerse the thermometer (3.3.3) in the product.
Wait until the temperature of the product is between the prescribed limits. Start the motor and run at the desired rota.ISO-2555-1989

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