IEC 60068-3-3:1991 pdf download.Environmental testing Part 3 : Guidance Seismic test methods for equipments.
Guidance is included in each of the three test methods referred to in this standard but it is specific to the test method. The guidance in this standard is directed towards choosing the appropriate test method and applying it to seismic testing.
This standard is to be used in conjunctin wit IEC Publication 68-1.
1 Object
This guide applies primarily to electrotechnical equipments but its application can be extended to other equipments and to components.
The verification of the performance of an equipment by analysis or by a
This class covers equipments for which the relevant seismic motion does not result from a specific study taking into account the characteristics of the geographic location and of the supporting structure or building.
In the case of equipments in this class, the seismic motion is generally characterized by one datum which is a peak acceleration at the ground level. This acceleration is derived from the seismic data relative to the area of interest.
When an equipment is not mounted at ground level, the transmissibility of the building and/or the supporting structure should be taken into account.
2.2 SpecIfic seismic class
This class covers the equipment for which the relevant seismic motion results from a specific study taking into account the characteristics of the
This class covers equipments for which the relevant seismic motion does not result from a specific study taking into account the characteristics of the geographic location and of the supporting structure or building.
In the case of equipments in this class, the seismic motion is generally characterized by one datum which is a peak acceleration at the ground level. This acceleration is derived from the seismic data relative to the area of interest.
When an equipment is not mounted at ground level, the transmissibility of the building and/or the supporting structure should be taken into account.
2.2 SpecIfic seismic class
This class covers the equipment for which the relevant seismic motion results from a specific study taking into account the characteristics of the.IEC-60068-3-3-1991